Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Love Potion #9

Get ready to impress your Valentine with a beautifully decorated cookie that's as simple to create as it is delightful to receive. With just a few key supplies and a dash of creativity, you'll have a sweet treat that speaks volumes of your affection. Check out the supply list below and let the decorating fun begin!

Supply List:

  1. Red flood icing
  2. Pink flood icing
  3. White flood icing
  4. Red detail icing
  5. White detail icing
  6. A cookie, because every masterpiece starts with a delicious base!

Curious to see how it all comes together? Watch the video tutorial below and unleash your inner artist. Happy decorating!

#cookies #allgoodthingscookies #hartsellealabama #cookiedecoratingvideos #royalicingcookies #valentinescookies

Sunday, January 28, 2024

You "MARBLE" my heart!

In today's blog, we're exploring the art of decorating a heart cookie using the wet-on-wet technique. This

approach offers a simple yet delightful "marbled" look, where there's no strict definition of a "right" or "wrong" outcome. Dive in and let the creative journey begin! 🎨🍪 

Step 1 - Using detail icing, outline the heart along the edge of the cookie. If you are worried about decorating right on the edge, you can pull the line in a little bit - just try to pull it in a consistent amount all the way around the cookie.
Step 2 - Using flood icing, fill inside the lines, and then use your scribe to fill in all gaps and give the cookie a smooth finish. Use a little less flood icing than normal because we are going to add additional flood icing to the white. Immediately proceed to the next step - this is a wet-on-wet technique.
Step 3 - I used light pink and red flood icings for this step and the next, but you can use any colors  you have available - even adding 3 or more colors. Just be sure you do not "overfill" the cookie.

Using pink flood icing, add a few random squiggles directly to the web base flood icing.

Step 4 - Using red flood icing add a few more random squiggles to the base flood icing. Remember, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to do this - do each cookie a little differently and they'll all have a unique finished look!
Step 5 - Using your scribe, pull it through the icing, mixing the colors into a random pattern. Don't over mix on this part or your colors will all blend together and you won't have as much of a marbled look. If you see that you need more of a color in a certain area, it's fine to add a little more flood icing to the cookie.

I finished my cookie by adding a red dot border around the edge of the cookie. You can view that in the video below. Happy Cookie'ing!



#CookieDecorating #WetOnWetTechnique #CreativeBakingFun #allgoodthingscookies #hartselleal

And remember - James 1:17 :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ruffled Heart Cookie

In today's blog post, I'll guide you through creating a stunning ruffled heart cookie. But before we dive

into the decorating process, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support. Finding the art of "cookie'ing" came into my life unexpectedly, yet at the perfect moment. I was unknowingly seeking a spark for my creativity, and this sweet journey has been a divine gift. There are moments during decorating when I pause and offer thanks for this beautiful blessing—I genuinely believe that "All Good Things" come from Him (James 1:17).

Now, let's embark on the joy of cookie decoration! 🍪✨

Step 1 - Using detail icing, add a scalloped edge all the way around the cookie, making sure it's fairly even all the way around. My scalloped edge is a little less than 1/2 of an inch in height. The bottom of the scallops will be covered up, so don't worry if it's not perfect.
Step 2 - Using detail icing, draw a heart onto the cookie, passing over the bottom of the scalloped edge all the way around the cookie. Then add a few squiggles of detail icing to the center of the cookie - this just helps with the "puff" look that we all love!

Step 3 - With your flood icing, fill and smooth the inside of the heart. Give it a nice smooth finish. Immediately proceed to step 4 - this is a wet-on-wet technique.
Step 4 - I used two colors of pink icing for the dots, but one or even more will be fine - whatever you like best!! Using medium pink flood, add a few polka dots to the white flood. Immediately proceed to the next step.
Step 5 - Using your light pink flood, add more polka dots. SUPER CUTE!! Let it crust and then it's ready to share!






 #CookieDecorating #Gratitude #CreativityJourney #allgoodthingscookies #hartselleal

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Bows & Polka Dots - Perfection

Presenting the absolute cutest cookie, and though it's not my design, I regrettably can't recall the talented

creator. My sincere apologies for not giving proper credit in advance. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy decorating this cookie as much as I did—it's just oozing with sassiness! 🍪💁‍♀️ 


Step 1 - Using detail icing, outline the heart. I kept my line pretty close to the edge, but you can move in just a tiny bit if that's more comfortable for you.

 Step 2 - Using flood icing, fill inside the drawn lines. Then use your scribe to fill all gaps and give the cookie a smooth finish. Immediately proceed to the next step, which is a wet-on-wet technique.




 Step 3 - Using flood icing, add dots to the wet flood. Don't overfill. Set the cookie aside to crush - approximately 20-30 minutes, maybe a little less if you place into a dehydrator.

The rest of the steps are detailed on the following video - but I'll still walk you through them - 

Step 4 - Once the cookie has crusted, using your black detail icing, outline each of the polka dots. Also outline the outside of the heart.

Step 5 - Using a hot pink detail icing, draw the ribbon and bow outline across the cookie. Be sure to draw complete lines across the ends (not pictured here)

Step 6 - Using flood icing fill in the bow and ribbon, using your scribe to fill gaps and smooth. You will fill these lines in multiple steps - filling sections that do not touch, allowing the sections to crust over and then filling more. Here's the order I filled mine.

- fill both sides of the bow - allow it to crust

- fill the outside ribbon lines on both sides and the middle of the bow - allow it to crust

That's it! Woolah - you have a super sassy Valentine heart!


#CuteCookie #SassyBaking #CookieArtistry #allgoodthingscookies #hartselleal #james117

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Winter Wonderland Cookie Class

Today's cookie class was a real blast! I have a genuine passion for hosting cookie classes, and the synergy

between my background in education and my newfound love for "cookie'ing" creates the perfect blend for me!

I hope you all had as much enjoyment as I did!! We discussed a lot of information about recipes, icings and other details. This handout will link you to resources and good reminders for your at-home baking and decorating!

For those eager to try decorating at home, make use of this comprehensive decorating guide. Additionally, catch an overview in the accompanying video. 🍪🎓


 #CookieClasses #DecoratingGuide #CookieArtistry #allgoodthingscookies #hartselleal #james117



Wednesday, January 17, 2024

You Ruffle My Heart

I'm completely smitten with the brush embroidery technique on this heart cookie! Its feminine and sweet

appearance can elevate various cookie styles, making them absolutely beautiful. If you're new to brush embroidery, there are fantastic tutorial videos on this simple technique. Head over to YouTube and search "cookie brush embroidery" for some helpful guides.

Unfortunately, my attempt to record the decorating process resulted in a video mishap... my sincere apologies! Nevertheless, I managed to capture some captivating images for you to enjoy. 🌸🍪 


Step 1: Using detail icing, draw about 5 or 6 scallops along the edge of the cookie. Then, using a small, clean, food-safe paint brush, brush lightly along the scallop, brushing the icing in towards the center of the cookie - about 1/4 of an inch. Don't worry if all of your inside edges aren't exactly the same distance, we will flood the inside with a heart.

You only complete a few scallops at a time because you don't want the icing to dry.

Continue this process all the way around the cookie.

This finished brushed embroidered edge should look like this.
Step 2 - using detail icing, outline a heart, covering the inside edges of the brush embroidery. Place a few squiggles inside the heart, using your detail icing. This helps us get a pretty, puffy look with our icing.
Step 3 - With your flood icing, fill inside the heart lines and then use your scribe to fill and smooth the flood icing.

That's it - Can you believe how easy it is to create a cookie this beautiful?? I can't wait to see your designs - please share them!!

🌸🍪 #BrushEmbroidery #CookieDecorating #SweetArtistry #allgoodthingscookies #hartselleal

Monday, January 15, 2024

My Hearts on a Line

Welcome back to another enchanting cookie heart tutorial! I trust you're absolutely enamored with these

tutorials! Please do share your creative at-home decorating designs—I'm eagerly anticipating seeing your wonderful progress!

In today's session, we'll be crafting an adorable heart cookie that resembles a charming clothesline adorned with hearts. Let's dive in and create something truly delightful!

Supply list

  • heart shaped cookie
  • black detail icing
  • red detail icing
  • light pink detail icing
  • medium pink detail icing
  • white detail icing
  • white flood icing
Of course you can make this cookie without all of the different heart colors - it will still look beautiful if you only have one color for your hearts.

This will follow the same process as our heart flower design. But I'll still list the steps.

Step 1: Using the white detail icing to outline the heart shape. You have the option to go right up to the edge for a seamless look, or maintain a consistent small distance from the edge—both approaches yield fantastic results!

Step 2: Utilize the white flood icing to generously cover the entire cookie, creating a delectable and mouthwatering treat!
Step 3: With your scribe, fill in any gaps and achieve a smooth finish. Place the cookie in front of a small fan on low for approximately 30 minutes, or if you have a dehydrator, set it on the lowest setting for 20 minutes. It's essential for the cookie to develop a crust before moving on to the next step.


Steps 4 - the end are detailed in the video below - but I'll still briefly explain them.

  • Using black detail icing, draw your lines across your heart. I added 4 lines, but you can make your own design. Let your creativity be your guide! I also added a little bow in the upper right corner, you can add one to yours or not.
  • Alternating between the red, medium pink, and light pink detail icings, pipe tiny hearts along your black lines. Space them however you think looks best. I'm sure the finished cookie will be as tasty as it is beautiful! Happy piping!


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Have a Heart!

Embracing the Valentine's Day festivities, I wanted to share another delightful heart-shaped cookie tutorial. I'm confident you'll adore this one, and it's a simple yet charming addition to your home-based decorating endeavors!

Check out this image of the final cookie - doesn't it look absolutely adorable, like a flower blossoming into a heart!

Now, let's kick things off with your list of supplies:

  1. heart-shaped cookie
  2. white flood icing
  3. white detail icing
  4. pink detail icing
  5. red detail icing

Alright, let the decorating fun begin!

Step 1: Use the white detail icing to outline the heart shape. You have the option to go right up to the edge for a seamless look, or maintain a consistent small distance from the edge—both approaches yield fantastic results!

Step 2: Utilize the white flood icing to generously cover the entire cookie, creating a delectable and mouthwatering treat!
Step 3: With your scribe, fill in any gaps and achieve a smooth finish. Place the cookie in front of a small fan on low for approximately 30 minutes, or if you have a dehydrator, set it on the lowest setting for 20 minutes. It's essential for the cookie to develop a crust before moving on to the next step.

Step 4: Using the white detail icing to draw the flower stems. Feel free to replicate my design or let your creativity shine by experimenting with something unique. Enjoy the process and have fun with it! 

Step 5 - Finish. For the remaining steps, refer to the the video below . Utilize your red and pink detail icing to incorporate "heart" flowers onto the white stems, placing them wherever you envision they'll enhance the overall look. Keep in mind, there are no strict rules for these flowers—they're a canvas for your unique creations! Enjoy the cookie decorating process, and I look forward to seeing you next time. Don't forget to share your delightful results! Happy cookie decorating!


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

DIY Valentine's Day Cookie Tutorial: Spread Love with Heart-Shaped Delights!

Are you ready to create adorable Valentine's cookies at home? I've got you covered with an easy step-by-step guide.

But first, let me show you the stunning "finished product" to get you excited about this simple and love-filled creation.

For this delightful endeavor, gather:

  • A heart-shaped cookie
  • Pink flood consistency icing
  • Pink detail consistency icing
  • Red flood consistency icing

If the terms "flood consistency" icing sound unfamiliar, I recommend watching an informative video on the glob and ribbon technique. This method was a game-changer for me when I started my cookie journey. It provided clarity that counting techniques couldn't match. Trust me; it's like a light bulb moment once you get it!

While many decorators outline their cookies with flood icing, I prefer using detail consistency icing for a cleaner look and better shape retention. But feel free to choose what suits you best. My detail icing achieves a smooth peak, resembling the Dairy Queen swirl, a consistency between a stiff peak and flood icing.

Once your icing is prepped, follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Outline your heart shape with pink detail icing.
Step 2: Flood the entire cookie with pink icing, ensuring the flood isn't too thick for the next step (wet-on-wet technique).
Step 3: Use a scribe tool to fill any gaps and achieve a smooth finish.
Step 4: With red flood icing, create dots around the heart as shown in the picture.





Step 5: Using your scribe, gently touch the side of the middle circle (without reaching the cookie's surface).
Step 6 - Drag the scribe through each of the dots following the direction of the arrows. Remove the scribe once you get back to the top/middle of the cookie. And there you go, a beautiful heart cookie for your sweetie!

I'd love to hear about your cookie-making experience! Share your results in the comments below. Let's spread the love through homemade Valentine's treats! 🍪💖 #DIYValentineCookies #SpreadLove #CookieTutorial #allgoodthingscookies

A little about me....

All Good Things is the result of a passion developing that I never expected. 

I have loved to bake my entire life. Growing up, I made cookies, cakes, 

brownies, whatever my mom would allow. Still to this day, I'm known for the 

many desserts I make. However, I never imagined I would one day be creating 

custom cookies - I've never even had a desire to decorate Christmas cookies...

So how did this begin? My sister, Karrah - she was looking for a way to spread 

love and joy - and felt led by God to learn how to decorate cookies. I thought 

it was very strange at first, she has never even liked baking.... 

She talked me into taking a cookie decorating class with her, after which we 

began getting together once a week and decorating cookies for fun. The more 

we played, a passion for cookie’ing began to develop… 

Initially, it was just fun – I was baking, learning new techniques, and eating a 

lot of cookies. Robbie and I can only eat so many cookies, and eventually they 

began to stockpile – so I started packaging them and randomly delivering them 

friends and family. This brought so much joy to Robbie and me – and to the 

recipients. Still today, I LOVE showing up on someone’s front porch with a box 

full of “just because” cookies. Who doesn’t smile when you’re handed a cookie? 

From there, I figured I should probably try to sell a few cookies and recoup 

some of the cost from my new, very addictive hobby! 

One morning as I was reading a devotional, I came across James 1:17 – and 

just like that, All Good Things was born. I truly believe “all good things” are gifts 

from God - and I love sharing a little of His sweetness with every cookie I bake! 

Expand our ability, God, to see your reflection in every good thing. 

And help us to love that reflection because the face we see is Yours. 

What happiness awaits as we more clearly see You in and through all the 

good and perfect gifts you give!

Hope you love our cookies as much as we do!

Thank You for Attending the Strawberry Jam Cookie Decorating Class!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for the Strawberry Jam Cookie Decorating Class this past Saturday, June 15th! It was a delig...